Payment in full due at the time of order. Most unopened items in new condition and returned within 30 Days are eligible to receive a Refund or Exchange with a minimum Re-stocking Fee of 35% plus freight; at the discretion of the vendor.
This fee will also be applied to any changes made after the order has been placed. If a balance is owed after a change has been made, it will be issued a Showroom Credit. However, there are cases where orders considered a Special Order are neither cancellable nor refundable.
It is the client’s responsibility to verify with the installer to ensure the correct items are being ordered. Items that are opened, damaged, or are not accompanied by a receipt may be denied a refund or exchange.
European Bath | Kitchen | Tile & Stone is fully committed to providing the utmost client experience and satisfaction. In order to ensure that the client experience is satisfactory from beginning to end, European Bath | Kitchen | Tile & Stone has outlined the policies to fully express and disclaim what is involved in European Bath | Kitchen | Tile & Stone’s role as the wholesale distributor. Please click here to view our Terms of Agreement.